Something notices
Something notices
Irwin 4-H is beginning a new year, and we have the NEW 4-H forms for this school year at Irwin County Extension/4-H Office. We welcome 4th – 12th graders to join 4-H in Irwin County and there is NO fee to join. We will begin in-school club meetings for 4th and 5th graders at Irwin County Elementary School in September 2024. The 6th – 12th graders along with Home School Club will meet once per month at Irwin County Extension/4-H Office. We offer club meetings, activities, and events for our 4-H’ers. Contact Mrs. Gina at Irwin County 4-H for more information, 107 W 4th St., Ocilla, 229 468 7409,, or on Remind. We welcome ALL to join 4-H in Irwin County.